Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tammy is nesting....

So..we are getting ready for our first baby goat(s).  Nina, who happens to be our star, is about to deliver for the first time.  We got Nina and Katie back in February when they were only a few weeks old.  It has been quite a learning process; learning how to care for them as babies, and a year later, attempting to educate ourselves on how to “birth” a goat.  We have been looking at a lot of websites, including lots of books;  “Goats for Dummines” among many others..and attempting to figure out how to tell when she is getting ready to deliver, and how to help her in case she needs it.  We think that we are about as ready as we can be.  We are gathering items for the birthing kit and Tammy is building a kidding pen for her. 

I got home today and the house had been cleaned, the dishes done, the laundry done…Tammy is certainly nesting.  J


  1. That's hilarious ! I LOVE baby goats.
    Can me and my kids come over to play :) They would LOVE to see them.
    Your life rocks.

  2. Come join us anytime! We love for our kids to see other families like ours :)
