Getting ready for school is a bit different in our house than in most; as we homeschool. I ordered our curriculum last week for the younger kids; and our high-schooler pretty much goes year round and works on his classes as they are shipped to us. However, there are still school supplies to purhase, scheduling to be made, and all of the "extras" to be added. We are doing music, art, dance, soccer, and Sea Cadets at our house this year. I am very excited about our new curriculum. It is based on the Waldorf method, and is very interactional and inclusive of all our varying learning styles in our house.
Our farm continues to grow and change daily. We gave 3 of our roosters away today; as we have decided that we just want eggs and not baby chicks for a little while. Also, having the roosters on the farm is a bit frightening, as we have little ones around and the roosters cannot be trusted around them...Currently we have dogs visiting as our dear friend is healing and we are taking care of her dogs. We have such a welcoming crew here (children and animals) and I am very proud of them. We fostered for 7 years and had 48 children come through our doors, and our kids assisted in helping all of these kids feel welcome (our kids were also a part of these 48 kids :). Although I am so very glad that the "fostering" chapter of our life is over; it taught us all a great deal about being gracious and flexible......
On a final note.....we found a 4 foot snake skin about a foot from our front porch this morning. ewwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
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