Changes, changes; let me count the ways........We are educating ourselves along the way in regard the changes that we have made within our family and our lifestyle. Today is a prime example; Tammy and the kids made homemade noodles. They seem to really get a kick out of seeing how food is planted, grown, canned, and made. I believe that it allows them to enjoy their food more; as they are more understanding of where it comes from. They are even asking "is this healthy?" And-it is an excellent way to utilize the abundance of eggs that we have right now!
We have been amazed at how well the kids have adjusted to these changes. They don't ask about watching TV, running to the store all of the time, or playing video games. They seem to really enjoy creative play and being outdoors a great deal of the day. Everyday the girls dress up as different characters to play outside.
We are getting into the swing of homeschool. Although our curriculum just arrived and Tammy and I have to wade through it before we start that part of homeshooling; we have been keeping them on a school schedule, working on reading and handwriting, do circle time in the morning, and some of their extra-curricular activities started this week as well.
Slowly the boys are joining us rather than working on be destructive and being little boys. Often you can see the wheels turning as they join in with the activities. For instance; instead of Jack Henry just throwing everything off of the table, he looks at it before he throws it now-lol. In all seriousness, we always thought that people were just being cheesy when they talked about the differences that it can make in your family when you do more natural and bonding activities together. However, we see the changes that it is making in the kids already. We have finally realized that you cannot parent all of your children the same, and that truly, all they want is attention and to be with you. In the past, that has been incredibly difficult because we have had children with Reactive Attachment Disorder living with us.......and the more attention that you give them, the more they misbehave and try to emotionally pull away from you. For those of you not familiar with this disorder....I will talk about it more in a later post....
Back to the fun stuff...........The kids are feeding the animals daily now with direction. It is exciting to watch as we each transition in our own way.
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