Monday, January 9, 2012

What is style?

What is style?  Does it come from your culture…your religion…the way that you were raised?  I get frustrated when I read fashion magazines (which is very rarely these days…most of my reading is farm related J ) and they want to put you into a “category.”  Why do that to yourself?  Some days I want to dress up..some days I want to dress down.  I feel most comfortable in a dress and heels; but I certainly don’t dress like that every days.  Today I wore a dress, heels, AND hose…but will probably throw on a sweater and dress pants tomorrow.  And that is o.k….none of us have to fit into a mold or wear a certain style at all.  My poor little Sophie; she really wants to fit into a mold; and at 7 years old, that is more understandable.  She thinks that she either has to be a girly girl or a tomboy.  I tell her to dress the way that she wants and the way that makes her happy and “who cares” what anyone else thinks. 

I think that is one thing that I love about butch women (particularly my butch woman J).  She has a style all her own… it only fits her..and she TRULY doesn’t care what anyone else thinks. 

1 comment:

  1. Your story is just an amazing one.
    Just thought I'd tell you that !
    Me and my J have DREAMED of doing just what you are. Only I of course need several people to do all of the self sustaining work. :)
    What a great family. Very lucky kids ladies.
