Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Woe is me

This is the only way that I can describe the way that I feel about things right now.  I know that there are many people in this world who are MUCH worse off; and I am trying so diligently to have a better attitude…but it is not working.  I feel like I have been running uphill for the past year and I feel completely defeated and deflated.  I have THREE college degrees; including a Masters in social work and a Masters in business; and cannot find a full-time job that pays more than peanuts….I will be paying off student loans well into my golden years and still cannot find a good paying, solid full-time job in the state of Kentucky.  I am not asking to be rich…I am a pretty simple girl…I just want to be able to support my family and take a vacation once in a while….Oh and domestic partner benefits would be nice...but appears to be unheard of in this archaic home state of mine...and they are not offered by either of my we continue to pay COBRA health insurance premiums for Tammy from Presbyterian Healthcare...please Kentucky; join me in the 21st century...I am frustrated beyond belief. 

The fact that we STILL have the stomach virus in our house is not helping…Tammy and 3 of the kids have been hit hard.  They get better for a day, and then it is right back.  I have talked to the doctor’s office and the pharmacist who both indicate that this virus is terrible right now and there is not much you can do but push fluids to prevent; that is what we are doing. 

Also; we are having hen trauma.  I certainly wasn’t familiar with “egg binding” until this week.  Well, one of our chickens has it and she is miserable.  So, we are following the advice of the “Chickens” magazine and we have isolated her in a dark, quiet place and Tammy is putting her in a warm bath twice a day to try to let her relax so that the egg eventually makes its way out…oh the joys of farm life. J  If any of you other farmers out there have any advice, let us know. 

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