Our 3rd baby goat was born on Friday afternoon. His mother, Katie, did not show signs of distress for as long as Nina did; so he came very quickly after her first signs of labor. I was not at home; and Tammy did not expect to do a homeschool lesson in goat birthing on that day….but you have to take the opportunities when they arise. Tammy and the kids got home and were checking on her every 15 minutes (Tammy and the girls were alternating). She was trying to make them a part of the process but was not planning on them actually witnessing the birth this soon. She was planning to talk to them about it first; but time did not allow for that.
Kennedy got back from her “shift” and said “Katie is making a lot of funny noise and has a big poop coming out.” This was after about 30 seconds of her stammering over her words…..(by the way) Kennedy gets very distracted on her way to the barn. She plays with the cats, picks flowers, etc. If you want something quickly, you must send Sophie to get it. She is definitely the speed of that duo. If you have time to kill, then send Kennedy. However, Tammy didn’t realize that this was going to be an imperative “shift.” So, after Kennedy was able to spit the words out, Tammy ran to the barn to check and Katie was having her first baby. Our 3rd baby goat, and another male; not exactly what we wanted in regard to profit, but “oh well” what can you do?
The results of Sex Ed 101: Robert was disgusted….Sawyer was a little horrified…and the others didn’t seem to know what to make of this event. But, Tammy explained that Katie and Jobie (one of the males that we just sold) made the baby, and that is why Katie had been pregnant, and now she had a baby. This scenario even fits today’s society in that all of these young men have multiple children with multiple girls and leave-lol; I have certainly been in social work too long!
Here is a photo of the kids in the barn during the big event. Tammy said “cheese” and there you have it. Oh and the kids were eating chocolate ice cream right before the birth occurred; evidenced by their little faces.
And Tammy learned that sometimes in regard to teaching your children life's lessons, with some things, all you have to give are the basics; and a lengthy explanation is not needed. For those of you who know Tammy well, you will understand that this has been quite a lesson for her. J
And here is a photo of Katie cleaning her baby.