Sunday, December 25, 2011

Baby Jesus was born in our barn last night

Christmas Day has always been a bit of a day of reflection for me.  Our family has always celebrated on Christmas Eve; so Christmas Day is often a bit lonely.  However, this year it has been incredible…and so very laid back.  It was very sunny and fairly warm…I even hung clothes on the line to dry outside today.  We all slept in, the kids were thrilled with their gifts…and Sawyer informed all of us that Baby Jesus was born in our barn J  The endless possibilities that the future holds for us are immense and wonderful in so many avenues. 

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

“He’s mine….that one…got a wild-haired side and then some….”

Baby Jack….Jack Henry….brother….these are some of the names of our youngest child.  He is an absolute trip.  He has such a funny, happy-go-lucky personality and makes us all laugh so much.  He is beautiful and I must say that I take it as quite a compliment when people stop me in a store and say “he looks just like you.”  (Which is also pretty funny considering that he is adopted J ) 

Don’t get me wrong..Jack Henry certainly acts like a 2 year old at times.  He throws fits when he doesn’t get his way…takes his siblings’ toys, pulls their hair and all of that fun stuff as well.  But 10 seconds later he is being a clown and making you laugh again and you forget about all of that.  Jack also thinks that he is quite the Casanova and loves attractive women.  He is a big flirt. 

Jack Henry came to us in a foster placement (when he was 3 weeks old) where we were asked to care for him “for a few months” while his grandmother was becoming licensed as a foster/adoptive parent out of state.  However, that obviously didn’t happen and we have been blessed with this incredible child.  I thank God every day for him.  We adopted him one year ago today.

The title of this blog is from a country song that is played on the radio a lot right now and it suits Jack Henry to a tee.  He most definitely has a wild-haired side and we wouldn’t trade him for anything.  I would happily take up for him in any situation J 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

I already looked at all those pretty girls in that book.

Hearing these words coming out of your 3 year old’s mouth makes your heart sink a bit…what in the world is he talking about..then he comes downstairs carrying our Marilyn Monroe calendar.  Shewww….and thank goodness he has good taste.  J

It makes me happy that she is still considered a beautiful icon in this day and age.  I would give just about anything to look exactly like her!  But the images of beauty have changed so very much over the years and the waif-like images that are revealed on the runways and in most fashion magazines portray an unhealthy and unrealistic image to our society.  Just a week ago, Robert looked at that same calendar and said “wow, she has hips.”  A pretty strong statement from an almost 16 year old who has grown up with the stick-thin stars of today….

Thursday, December 1, 2011


As Tammy said in her last post “what a year…..”  Last weekend, we were discussing the fact that we made a lot of major changes at the same time…adopting 2 more children (Sawyer and Jack Henry); relocating, COMPLETELY changing everything about our lives…moving from the desert to humidity capital USA, moving from the city to a farm, going from public school to home-schooling, trying to learn to homestead, and many, many more changes. We have certainly hit a lot of hurdles along the way…but we have not given up. 

I have had quite a time finding the “right” job.  After working for 7 years at Presbyterian Hospital…I have had multiple jobs since we moved home.  However, I think that I have finally found “the one.”  I will be working at the University of Kentucky Medical Center on the kidney transplant team.  I have primarily worked with children throughout my career; and I am excited that I will be working with primarily adult patients.  This is a much needed change in my life.  Working with children for 13 years…along with having a houseful….fostering for 7 years…you get the picture….